CySEC Regulated Forex Brokers

CySEC regulated forex brokers are forex brokers that are licensed and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC). CySEC is the financial regulatory agency of Cyprus and is responsible for supervising and regulating the financial markets in Cyprus, including the forex market.

Cyprus is a member of the European Union, and as such, CySEC regulated forex brokers have access to the European markets. Trading with a CySEC regulated forex broker provides security and safety for your investments, as regulated brokers must adhere to strict guidelines and rules, including segregation of client funds and risk management procedures.

CySEC Regulated Forex Brokers Reputation

Due to the relatively easy process to establish a forex broker in Cyprus, and inability of the regulator and the country, to apply sever penalties on bad practices, many forex brokers in Cyprus have bad reputation and did/do engage in practices that are not in the best interest of the clients

CySEC Regulated Forex Brokers Additional Regulations

The majority, if not all, of forex brokers regulated in Cyprus do have at least additional regulation from a much loser regulator from some offshore jurisdiction.

The reason they do is is to for several reasons, some of which are:

  • use the CySEC regulation in order to be able to advertise, open bank accounts, and collect online payments at reduced fees.
  • onboard the majority of the clients under the loose regulation, which means that the clients and forex broker relation are governed under the offshore regulator rules.  This means that incase of any dispute between the trader and forex broker, CySEC will not be able to assist.

CySEC Regulated Forex Brokers List

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