For failing to ensure financial promotions for the Cliquet Product distributed by YBS, were clear, fair and not misleading.
For failing to adequately manage conflicts of interest between itself and its customers as well as systems and controls failings, in relation to the Gold ...
For failing to observe proper standards of market conduct and failing to act with integrity by placing orders to seek to influence the Gold Fixing and for ...
For misconduct relating to the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR).
For not complying with investment limits which are designed to protect consumers by limiting their exposure to risk.
For posing serious risk to consumers and to the confidence in the financial system.
For failing to meet the criteria of fitness and propriety by falsifying documents in relation to customers’ policies.
For failing to ensure it gave suitable advice to its customers and ensure that it financial promotions and communications with customers were clear fair and ...
For deliberately manipulating a UK government bond (gilt) on 10 October 2011.
For a failure to take reasonable care to establish and maintain effective systems and controls for countering the risks of bribery and corruption.